7 minute briefings

7 minute briefings are used by agencies across the partnership to impart learning to staff in less than seven minutes reading time. They gained popularity for their succinct bite-sized approach to learning that staff can quickly assimilate over a coffee. Key information is given with links for further reading and resources.

Below are useful topics covered by our partners and some from further afield. We are aiming to add to the list of topics over time.

Although the learning is relevant, use your own Safeguarding Team for advice rather than those cited in the documents.

Thematic 7 minute briefings:

Case Review 7 Minute Briefings

  • FA CSPR - Lewisham child, FA, who had lived in Bromley under Child Protection status
  • Sylvia SAR - Kingston/Bromley learning following the death of 19 year old Sylvia
  • Child C - Waltham Forest learning following death of 14 year old Child C