Sexual Health

The Sex Worth Talking About website has straightforward information and advice on sexual health and relationships, including information on coping with emotions, understanding your body, contraception choices, STIs and what to consider if you're thinking about having sex.

If you are already sexually active, the following local services will be of use to you:

Check out if you are aged 16-24 to be sent a test for chlamydia and gonorrhoea. It is free and confidential. You can order a kit from your smartphone, tablet or computer whenever you want. You don’t need to queue up or wait at any service. The kit will be posted to you so you can do the test whenever / wherever is convenient for you. Your test kit will arrive in the post in a plain envelope with full instructions.

For contraception and reproductive health services and advice, visit one of the five drop-in clinics in the Borough. For opening hours click here.

Visit My Life for information on Bromley's sexual health clinics, GP and pharmacy services, LGBTQ support, termination services, teenage pregnancy, STIs, and HIV.

The NHS has lots of useful advice including information about sexual health, including contraception and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

If you ever feel unsure, unsafe or get that sick feeling in your tummy, it could mean you’re not comfortable with what’s happening. You must listen to your feelings. It is never ok for someone to pressure you to have sex, do something sexual or dangerous. You have the right to say how you feel and to be respected. Consent in relationships is about feeling in control and saying yes or doing things because you choose to, not because someone is pressuring you to. Read our Sexual Exploitation page if you feel this way.