BSCP Policies and Procedures

BSCP Local Procedures

> Bromley Thresholds of Need May 2023
> Bromley Multi Agency Strategy Discussion Protocol May 2023
> BSCP Multi Agency Neglect Strategy 2022 - 24
> BSCP Neglect Toolbox 2022 -24
> C&YP Mental Health Safeguarding Discharge Protocol May 2023
> Pan-London Child Exploitation Protocol 2021
> Bromley Child Exploitation Strategy 2022-2025
> Adolescent Safeguarding in London Handbook 2022
> Bromley Early Help Strategy for Children & Families
> Bromley FGM Guidance and Protocol Aug 2023 and flowchart 2023
> Bromley Children Missing Education Policy and Procedure 2023
> Bromley Bruising and Injuries in Babies and Non-Mobile Children Protocol 2021
> Leaflet for parents Bruising and Injuries in Babies and Children 2021
> Information Sharing Advice 2024 HM Govt
> Gillick competency and Fraser Guidance factsheet (NSPCC)
> Cross Govt Information Sharing letter and directive
> Escalation Policy for resolving inter-agency professional disputes. 2023
> Child Sexual Abuse Care Pathway 2024
> BSCP Minimum Standards for Commissioning 2022
> BSCP Minimum Standards for Safer Recruitment 2024
> Professional Curiosity- 7 minute briefing
> FII Protocol Dec 2022
> Adolescent to Parent Violence or Abuse (APVA) or Child to Parent Violence (CPV) Home Office
> Adversity and Trauma Informed Care

BSCP Social Media Policies:
> Safeguarding in the Context of Access to Technology and Use of Social Media
> HANDBOOK Safeguarding in the Context of Access to Technology and Use of Social Media
> Appropriate Use of Social Media by Safeguarding Professionals
> Authorised Use of BSCB Official Social Media Accounts

> Faith groups - Safe and Secure Guidance

Managing Allegations - Please see the Managing Allegations Against Adults page for guidance and local procedure.

Need help writing a safeguarding policy for your organisation? Look at the NSPCC site for practical tips, a useful checklist and a free policy template.