Managing allegations made against adults
If you receive information to suggest a member of staff working within the borough of Bromley has:
- Behaved in a way that has harmed a child, or may have harmed a child;
- Possibly committed a criminal offence against or related to a child; or
- Behaved towards a child or children in a way that indicates s/he would pose a risk of harm if they work regularly or closely with children
Please report the matter to the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) immediately.
Referrals should be made via the Children, Young People and Families Hub Portal at:
If the allegation is to be reported out of office hours, contact Childrens Social Care Out of hours Emergency Duty Team on 0300 303 8671. See the Protocol below for timescales for reporting.
If you are unsure if the concern reaches the above threshold and or would like advice from LADO, please complete the Consultation Form below.
Please do not:
- Investigate the allegation
- Ask leading questions
- Promise confidentiality
- Discuss the allegation with the accused person even if you have to suspend them
Please do ensure:
- If the child is injured the parents are advised and medical attention is sought
- The child and other relevant children are safeguarded from any potential risk of harm
LADO Staff and volunteers Brochure
LADO Procedure
Consultation to Bromley's Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO)