Information Sharing
Learning from Reviews reinforces the fact that both children and adults can suffer significant harm or death when professionals fail to share information. Good communication and appropriate information sharing between professionals is therefore a critical element of effective safeguarding practice.
We know that legal jargon can often appear complex and confusing so the BSCP has adopted a simple approach to compliance in this important area.
We positively encourage professionals to seek agreement to share information when it is right to do so and where doing so does not place a child or adult at risk.
Where there are good reasons to be worried about a child or adult’s safety or wellbeing the fact that there is no existing information sharing agreement between organisations or that the information is seen as “third- party”, should not be used as an excuse to fail to share. Your concern is sufficient to have a conversation with or seek advice from fellow professionals.
If you are worried about someone, you are allowed to talk with other professionals without fearing you are doing something wrong. Talking to each other and sharing information when trying to protect people from actual or likely harm or to prevent a crime is lawful and in the substantial public interest.
If you have safeguarding concerns and feel they are not being heard or that you are unreasonably being prevented from sharing what you know with an appropriate partner please do not hesitate to escalate the matter by contacting a member of the BSCP Team on: 0208 461 7816
Further advice and government guidance on information sharing can be found by following the link below:
Information Sharing Guidance 2022 from London Safeguarding Children Partnership
Information Sharing: Advice for Practitioners Proving Safeguarding Services (updated July 2018) UK Govt
London Multi-Agency Data Sharing Agreement for Safeguarding and Promoting the Welfare of Children 2021