Information for Parents, Carers & The Community What is child abuse? How to report it. What to do if you think a Bromley child is being abused or neglected.Read more Helping children & young people stay safe online Read more Gangs and Young People Read more Child Sexual Exploitation A definition of Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE), risk signs and behaviours.Read more Domestic Abuse Support Local and national support services for victims of domestic abuse or violence.Read more Radicalisation Extremists target and groom impressionable young people online and in real life. Radicalisation can happen in any family.Read more Bullying Links to expert advice and guidance if you are worried that your child is being bullied.Read more Concerned about a member of staff or volunteer? Read more Resources for Parents, Carers & the Community Advice on leaving your child home alone, safe sleeping for babies, safety tips at home, on holiday and locally.Read more Talk Pants Read more Harmful Practices Guidance on working with FGM, Forced Marriage, Honour Based Violence, Spirit Possession and other harmful practices.Read more Private Fostering By law, you must inform the Local Authority if you are looking after a child aged under 16 years for more than 28 days if that child is not your own or stepchild, neic...Read more Drugs and Alcohol Read more Young Carers Support for children and young people who are taking on caring responsibilities for a member of their family.Read more Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Where to seek help and advice for stress, anxiety, feeling low or depressed.Read more Early Intervention and Family Support The Bromley Children Project (BCP) is a borough wide service that supports families living in Bromley to create a safe, secure and happy environment for all children, ...Read more Harm Outside the Home Harm Outside the Home Resource PackRead more
What is child abuse? How to report it. What to do if you think a Bromley child is being abused or neglected.Read more
Child Sexual Exploitation A definition of Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE), risk signs and behaviours.Read more
Domestic Abuse Support Local and national support services for victims of domestic abuse or violence.Read more
Radicalisation Extremists target and groom impressionable young people online and in real life. Radicalisation can happen in any family.Read more
Bullying Links to expert advice and guidance if you are worried that your child is being bullied.Read more
Resources for Parents, Carers & the Community Advice on leaving your child home alone, safe sleeping for babies, safety tips at home, on holiday and locally.Read more
Harmful Practices Guidance on working with FGM, Forced Marriage, Honour Based Violence, Spirit Possession and other harmful practices.Read more
Private Fostering By law, you must inform the Local Authority if you are looking after a child aged under 16 years for more than 28 days if that child is not your own or stepchild, neic...Read more
Young Carers Support for children and young people who are taking on caring responsibilities for a member of their family.Read more
Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Where to seek help and advice for stress, anxiety, feeling low or depressed.Read more
Early Intervention and Family Support The Bromley Children Project (BCP) is a borough wide service that supports families living in Bromley to create a safe, secure and happy environment for all children, ...Read more