New Thresholds of Need Guidance launched
The new Bromley Thresholds of Need Guidance is now published and should be used by the entire children's workforce in Bromley.
Please delete any draft copies or any old 'A Child's Journey in Bromley' documents. These are now obsolete.
The Thresholds document explains the Bromley Continuum of Needs model - how children's needs are not static so they will need a varying level of support depending on what their needs are at a particular time. We explain when people should refer to Children's Social Care and when to use the Common Assessment Framework, how to access early help services and what to do if you are unsure. Indicators of each 'level' of need are given as examples together with referral information and links to all the forms you need to access support.
The Thresholds of Need Guidance document can be found in the 'Our Polices, Procedures and Guidance' section of the website.